For over 130 years, our team has led the way in the award-winning conservation and adaptive reuse of heritage buildings – work underpinned by a deep appreciation and love for the historic fabric of our cities.
We understand that heritage places are layered with meaning, and we exercise care to artfully connect the design to its origins through our work in preservation, restoration, repurpose or adaptation.
We begin by establishing a deep understanding of the site – the historic narratives, cultural significance, and unique physical elements woven into the place’s identity. We also engage in robust research, examining historical documents and consulting heritage groups, clients and community representatives to establish a clear vision for the design.
Our aim is to achieve a delicate balance between revealing original design elements that convey a sense of place and enhancing just enough to revitalise the building and meet contemporary needs. This careful treatment ensures heritage buildings are better appreciated by modern audiences, serve a greater function, and generate income, all while retaining their significance.
Our heritage projects include the multi-award-winning State Library Victoria, the Thomas Dixon Centre (home of the Queensland Ballet), and Central Precinct Renewal in Sydney.