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North Eveleigh Affordable Housing
North Eveleigh Affordable Housing Planning

North Eveleigh Affordable Housing Planning

City West Housing

North Eveleigh, NSW

Completed SSDA, 2013

This project successfully demonstrates Architectus’ ability to coordinate and negotiate the interests of a range of stakeholders, particularly various government agencies and the community, as well as meeting expectations and demand for this type of development in Central Sydney.

Architectus was engaged by City West Housing to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement in support of a State Significant Development for Affordable Housing at North Eveleigh. Architectus was also appointed the project architect.

This State Significant Development Application was in support of an affordable housing development comprising 88 apartments over seven levels. The application was lodged concurrently with a modification to the Concept Plan approval to amend the maximum height of the building.

Architectus prepared the Development Application to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment following a consultation process with the City of Sydney, NSW Heritage Office, NSW Police, Roads and Maritime Services, Urban Growth NSW and Transport for NSW. The extensive consultation process, including a community drop-in session, was a response to the constrained nature of the site and the broader North Eveleigh Precinct, listed on the State Heritage Register.

The approved development outcome was supported for its sympathetic design to its heritage context, crime prevention measures and the social benefits of the development to the locality, in providing affordable housing close to public transport and in proximity to jobs and amenities.

The application was approved within six months of lodgement of the Environmental Impact Statement.

The Platform Apartments | Residential architecture
The Platform Apartments | Residential architecture
The Platform Apartments drawing | Residential architecture

City West Housing

North Eveleigh, NSW

Completed SSDA, 2013