St Andrew’s Exchange
St Andrew’s Exchange is a site of reciprocity. A place for sharing values and beliefs, for constructing and communicating knowledge, and for engaging with people, ideas and culture.
The building and landscape design bring together the Parish community of St Andrew’s Church and the School community of Brighton Grammar, by creating physical connections between their respective endeavours of worship, education and recreation.
The St Andrew’s Street Project aspires to reinforce already strong relationships between St Andrew’s Parish and the Brighton Grammar School (BGS) community, whilst acknowledging current patterns of use and physical adjacencies to the existing Cemetery and Memorial Garden. The new building will strengthen all ties to site and locality, and enable new ways for boys to experience creative arts, science, design and technology.
Relocation of the Parish tennis courts to the roof of the new building will allow the function of St Andrew’s Parish to expand.
The overarching concept of ‘exchange’, which frames our design response, is underpinned by four key design concepts: respect, integrity, porosity and transparency:
- Respect for site (heritage, buildings and landscape) and for each other (different user groups).
- Integrity in honest expression of form, function and materiality.
- Porosity describes the porous nature of space, which allows physical and spatial connections.
- Transparency is central to visual connectivity and accountability. It will be used to create windows into the life of the School, making learning visible.
Key People
John Sprunt
Sector Leader Schools
Dr Kellee Frith
Associate Principal
Education Environments Strategist
Anthony Apolloni
Senior Associate
Simon Farr
Senior Associate