NSW Government and Central Cost City Council
Gosford, NSW
Site Area:
30 ha
Contact Person:
Oscar Stanish
Gosford is planned to grow as the Central Coast region’s capital city. Enjoying an attractive natural setting, including sunny open spaces and views to bushland hillsides, Gosford is also a focal-centre for public facilities including Gosford Hospital, Stadium and TAFE.
A new wave of investment and a step-change in desire for development is leading the need for a shift in thinking with Gosford redefining its role for the future. All levels of government have concluded that new high-quality development, infrastructure and public domain will be critical to the Centre’s success.
Architectus has undertaken a range of work from 2014-2018 on the Gosford City Centre for both Central Coast Council (formerly Gosford Council) and the NSW Department of Planning and Environment. Architectus has reviewed both the existing and proposed controls for Gosford and described their planning and urban design outcomes. Recommendations have focussed on retaining the attractive natural context, making sure Gosford enjoys attractive and accessible streets and spaces into the future and encouraging design excellence. Key sites have been reviewed and tested individually whilst a suite of built form typologies has been developed for other typical sites. This work has been undertaken alongside the Government Architect NSW’s Urban Design and Implementation Framework.
Architectus has provided input into a draft SEPP and development of the Gosford City Centre Development Control Plan for the NSW Government.
NSW Government and Central Cost City Council
Gosford, NSW
Site Area:
30 ha
Contact Person:
Oscar Stanish
Oscar Stanish
Senior Associate