Willoughby City Council
Chatswood, NSW
Completed, December 2016
Site Area:
8 ha
Contact Person:
Oscar Stanish
Chatswood’s commercial centre is a strategic planning success story, accommodating A-grade office space, important services and providing jobs close to home for North Shore residents. Part of its success is a thriving dining and retail precinct which remains active well in to the evening.
Willoughby Council recognise this achievement and engaged Architectus to help ensure the centre’s success as a commercial precinct into the future. Protecting employment centres in an extremely strong residential market is one of the biggest challenges facing Metropolitan Sydney.
Architectus prepared a Planning and Urban Design Study to establish a strong framework to guide all future private and public development in Chatswood Centre over the next 20 years, and to achieve exceptional design and a distinctive, resilient and vibrant centre for Chatswood. This work was supported by transport advice from Arup and economic advice from BIS-Shrapnel.
Based on a series of spatial concepts, testing of the CBD boundary and built form scenarios, a suite of recommendations for key LEP and DCP controls were developed, including the CBD boundary, land use mix, value uplift sharing to fund public domain, design excellence and building sustainability, floor space ratio, sun access to key public spaces, heights, links, open space and landscaping, street frontage heights, separation, isolation and minimum sizes.
The recommendations of the report are being implemented by Council and will be the basis of new planning controls for the centre.
Willoughby City Council
Chatswood, NSW
Completed, December 2016
Site Area:
8 ha
Contact Person:
Oscar Stanish
Oscar Stanish
Senior Associate