Architectus acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples as Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we live and work.

We honour their unique cultural and spiritual relationships to the land, waters, sky, and communities and their rich contribution to society.

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We are Net Zero

In recognition of the most pressing societal challenges and our firm commitment to sustainability through design across Australia, we have committed to net-zero emissions in our operations.

The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group report entitled ‘Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis’ states in no uncertain terms, the urgency to act immediately and decisively to avoid the catastrophic impacts of human-induced climate change.

Individuals, organisations, and governments alike must step forward to play their part by dramatically reducing greenhouse gas emissions and positively contribute to the climate solution. At Architectus, we are set to elevate contribution through a structured approach to achieving net-zero emissions in our own operations and drive greater influence and impact through our practice as designers of place and space.

Architectus National Leader Urban Futures & Resilience, Alex Lawlor says, “Net Zero for us is only the first step. De-carbonising construction is the holy grail – and we have a team looking at how we can help our clients achieve environmental and community sustainability and resilience – through good design”.

We assessed the emissions generated in the 2020/21 financial year through Architectus operations and have offset these through an accredited carbon abatement project. Next steps involve the development and implementation of an Emissions Reduction Strategy so we can reduce our impact directly. Net Zero sits as part of the Architectus commitment to sustainability and resilience in design.

Follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn to meet our Sustainability Framework Group.
Learn more about Architectus Sustainability and Resilience here.

Architectus | We are Net Zero