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Dario Spralja lends insights to ‘Biophilic Cities – Re-wilding Sydney’

‘Biophilic cities – Re-wilding Sydney’ is a workshop created to share insights from key industry leaders to identify ideas and explore possibilities for a Biophilic Sydney.

Along with industry design leaders and government stakeholders, today Architectus Principal, Dario Spralja will be participating in the pioneering workshop hosted by global engineering consultancy Mott Macdonald with the Committee for Sydney.

Working across all levels of industry and government, this highly applicable workshop will include experienced practitioners from universities and the private sector members of the Committee. Held to foster meaningful conversations, today’s discussions will feed into a report that will propose what a Biophilic city means, the principles to achieve it, why it is beneficial, and how might be applied to Sydney.

Dario said, “As we emerge from the worst of COVID, re-greening our city centres is a topical discussion for environmental, health, and visual amenity reasons.  Most city centres are a 19th century construct, historically planned by men in suits and in which nature has been pushed to the margins and that which remains is often loved to death – you only need to look at the lawn in Wynyard park which is often patchy from over use.”

Learn more about Committee for Sydney here.

Dario Spralja
