Alex Lawlor shares expertise at the GBCA TRANSFORM Conference
Architectus National Leader Urban Futures & Resilience, Alex Lawlor will join a panel of industry leaders driving progress in the sustainable built environment at the Green Building Council of Australia’s 4th annual TRANSFORM Conference.
On Thursday 24 March, Alex will join a panel of esteemed leaders to discuss the opportunities for improving building performance. Alongside Alex will be Carlos Flores, NABERS and Building Sustainability, NABERS, Matt Williams, Principal, LCI Consultants, and Jesse Clarke, Building Scientist, Pro Clima. The panel will be moderated by Jamie Wallis, Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA).
To be net-zero by 2050, all our buildings will need to be high performing. How many opportunities do we have, and how soon can we significantly improve the performance of existing assets? The performance gap between the design of a building and its actual consumption is a significant issue that needs to be addressed.
TRANSFORM will be delivered as a hybrid event combining an in-person, two-day conference at Roundhouse, University of New South Wales in Sydney with live streaming and additional content published online after the event. Learn more about TRANSFORM here.