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Architectus | Loreto Crescent Theatre
Loreto Crescent Theatre

Loreto Crescent Theatre

Loreto Mandeville Hall

Toorak, VIC

Built, March 2018

Floor Area:
1050 sqm

Contact Person:
John Sprunt

As identified in the Loreto Toorak Master Plan the Auditorium Redevelopment provided the opportunity to repurpose the existing auditorium into a truly multifunctional space. Located in the centre of the campus the development allows for drama and music performances of varying type and scale, school assemblies, functions and exams to all take place within the auditorium.

The auditorium operates in two key modes: performance mode and assemble mode. Performance mode predominantly accommodates Drama and Music presentations of varying type and scale. The 8×8 m flat floor stage and associated drapery will allow flexibility in terms of stage and back of house set up. Performance mode provides seating for an audience of 250 to 300 patrons.

Assembly mode is required to accommodate up to 450 students and 50 staff members. Assembly mode functions with a reduced stage depth of 2.4 m.

The auditorium is supported by several existing spaces which have been refurbished. These include drama/green rooms, costume store, amenities block, foyer and storage. Finally, a lift was included in the project to provide the Auditorium, Mary Ward Building and Mandeville Centre roof terrace with compliant DDA access.

Architectus | Loreto Crescent Theatre
Architectus | Loreto Crescent Theatre
Architectus | Loreto Crescent Theatre

Loreto Mandeville Hall

Toorak, VIC

Built, March 2018

Floor Area:
1050 sqm

Contact Person:
John Sprunt

Key People

Architectus | John Sprunt

John Sprunt
Sector Leader Schools