Moorabbin Western Precinct Urban Design Framework
City of Kingston
Moorabbin, VIC
Completed, 2020
Contact Person:
Dean Thornton
The City of Kingston appointed Architectus and a team of consultants, including OneMileGrid and DARMS Property, to deliver an urban design framework for the redevelopment of the Moorabbin Activity Centre’s Western Precinct.
The triangular site of the Western Precinct has a unique urban setting, sitting at the juncture of three municipal boundaries as an island, bounded by high speed interfaces including the railway corridor and the Nepean Highway.
The site is fragmented, under-utilised and experiencing no development change under the restrictive planning controls within the ACZ. Given the strategic location of the site, the City of Kingston identified the land, held under the ownership of eight parties, as an opportunity for higher density redevelopment as a consolidated precinct.
The urban design framework was delivered in two parts: a background report encompassing strategic policy background, precinct analysis, consultant analysis, stakeholder interviews and community consultation; and the framework itself.
The urban design framework included concept design testing and 3D modelling to deliver a framework approach for the precinct providing guidance on heights and massing, the public realm, the movement and access network and land use, followed by a set of detailed urban design guidelines.
City of Kingston
Moorabbin, VIC
Completed, 2020
Contact Person:
Dean Thornton
Key People
Dean Thornton
Sector Leader Urban Futures
Lauren Clerey
Senior Associate