Liverpool City Centre Revitalisation
Liverpool City Council
Liverpool, NSW
Completed, 2014
Contact Person:
Greg Burgon
Liverpool is a designated Regional City under the Draft Metropolitan Strategy 2031, and Liverpool City Council has identified the revitalisation of its City Centre as a key priority within its Community Strategic Plan. The aim of revitalisation is to encourage the development of a well-integrated and thriving city centre that attracts a greater level of private investment as well as residents, workers and visitors making maximum use of the city.
Five key projects were identified by Council, and Architectus was commissioned to deliver two; Gateways to the City and Georges River Connections.
Key elements of the Georges River Connections Strategy includes a new concourse extension from the rail station, providing better access to the riverfront, and a comprehensive upgrade of the riverfront parklands and approaches to the City Centre. This project seeks to increase the visual and physical connection of the City Centre to the Georges River and reinforce it’s role as the key cultural destination for south western Sydney.
Key elements of the City Gateways concepts include a ‘Green Oasis’ entrance to the City comprising a comprehensive large-scale tree planting strategy on approaches to the City Centre, gateway markers, lighting, wayfinding and public art opportunities and built form recommendations at key entry sites and along frontages to the Hume Highway. This project provides the opportunity to improve the presentation and arrival experience of the City Centre, reflecting it’s values and attributes that make it unique and befitting a Regional City in south western Sydney.

Liverpool City Council
Liverpool, NSW
Completed, 2014
Contact Person:
Greg Burgon