Knox Master Plan, 621 Burwood Highway
Development Victoria
Knoxfield, VIC
2019 - ongoing
Contact Person:
Dean Thornton
Architectus together with MDG Landscape Architects was engaged by Development Victoria to develop a Master Plan for the land at 621 Burwood Highway in Knoxfield, Victoria.
Development Victoria acquired the 19.2 hectare site, formerly held by the Department of Environment and Primary Industries, which was the site of the Knoxfield Horticultural Research Station.
Residential development will be the primary use of the site focusing on the provision of medium density, incorporating a broad range of housing typologies from volume builders to deliver a diverse range of town-house, conventional and a high proportion of affordable housing (a requirement of the State Government) product to the market. The south east portion of the site has been identified as a mixed-use development site.
The existing 1.6 hectare irrigation dam located at the north-west corner of the site will be filled in and replaced with a functional series of water bodies providing best practice storm water treatment and retardation in addition to habitat for known significant species occupying the current dam. The future wetland will also provide amenity for the residents and surrounding community with connections to the adjacent school and Blind Creek Corridor.
Development Victoria
Knoxfield, VIC
2019 - ongoing
Contact Person:
Dean Thornton