Art Gallery of NSW Expansion SSDA
Art Gallery of New South Wales
Sydney, NSW
SSDA Completed, 2018
Contact Person:
Jane Fielding
Architectus led the coordination of the State Significant Development Application (SSDA), including the preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement and Response to Submissions, for the expansion of the Art Gallery of New South Wales – the Sydney Modern Project. The application involved a range of complex issues attributed to the site’s sensitive setting within the Domain parklands and Sydney Harbour.
The Sydney Modern Project, designed by Japanese architectural and design firm SANAA, and Architectus as Executive Architect, has created a landmark global art museum with new and expanded spaces for art, live performance, and film along with spaces to study and participate in cultural programs.
The Sydney Modern Project transforms an underutilised site to the north of the existing Art Gallery of NSW, revitalising the city’s eastern cultural precinct. The site is made up of two grassed concrete platforms – one over the Cahill Expressway and the other over disused World War II oil tanks.
Key environmental issues included built heritage, adaptive reuse of historic structures, archaeology (terrestrial and marine), existing trees, ecology (terrestrial and marine), layers of infrastructure across the site, challenging topography, geotechnical and contamination, landscape and site planning, accessibility, and developing a building and public spaces for high volumes of pedestrian movement.
Art Gallery of New South Wales
Sydney, NSW
SSDA Completed, 2018
Contact Person:
Jane Fielding