Associate Principal
Brenton Beggs
Studio: Melbourne
Master of Landscape Architecture (Hons), RMIT University
Bachelor of Design (Landscape Architecture), RMIT University
AILA Registered Landscape Architect
A specialist in public realm design, Brenton focuses on the vibrant, often contested spaces where design can make a meaningful, tangible impact. He’s passionate about enhancing local ecosystems, celebrating diverse cultures, boosting economies, and improving everyday experiences for all.
As a registered Landscape Architect with expertise in Urban Design, Brenton’s project involvement spans from strategic master planning through to construction delivery across scales and typologies. This approach provides continuity of design intent throughout a project’s evolution to achieve a clear and impactful result.
Notable projects in his portfolio include the Wangaratta Railway Precinct, Bakery Hill Urban Renewal Precinct, and Frankston Hospital Redevelopment.
Before joining Architectus, Brenton led multidisciplinary teams and delivered award-winning work at Urbis and Hassell, where he worked in both Melbourne and Shanghai. He’s also an Executive Member of the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) Victorian Chapter.