The Outdoor Room was envisaged as a community space to be utilised by people visiting the health facility, as well as people from the emerging community adjacent to the hospital. A steel framed canopy with patterned glass, and timber battens creates an inviting quality of dappled light to the spaces below.
The University of the Sunshine Coast Chancellery building includes the new Chancellery, 14 tutorial rooms, 40 academic offices, 600 m2 of student services, a 251-seat lecture theatre and a café. Generous covered outdoor spaces bring all of the varied uses together with clarity and create a democratic environment for the 800 occupants including students, academics and research staff.
Principal and National Sector Leader for Public Architecture Stephen Long said, “this is a fantastic initiative by the Sunshine Coast Council to promote and inform good design; design that has a distinctive Sunshine Coast identity and design that reflects the values of the community and local qualities of place.”
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